Monday, January 16, 2017

Pure Genius - Chapter 1 - Pages 5-15

So sorry for this late posting - last week was a whirlwind for me!  I was out Wednesday, Thursday and a 1/2 day Friday - each day was a different sub.  On top of that, I had a new student start on Friday!  Anyway...

Here are a few of the takeaways I had from Chapter 1 - please share your thoughts and/or experiences on these topics or share some takeaways you had from this chapter:

Page 5 "...asking the right questions is one of the most important steps in problem solving.  Before we can solve the problem, we have to define it."  What are we trying to achieve?  What do we want to know?

Page 8 "...relevancy is the biggest key to retention."  AMEN to this statement.  If a student knows why they need to know something and/or if we can relate it to their life, they are much more likely to remember the topic and have a vested interest in learning.  I try to relate every standard and learning objective to real life.  Ex:  Why do we need to know improper fractions & mixed numbers?  Ever plan to cook?  Double a recipe?

Page 13 "Yet pursuing anything valuable or important means you have to be willing to fail."  Every student (and adult) needs to know it is ok to fail as long as you learn from it.  Not everything in life will come easy for them.  We need to create an environment for them that allows failure and turns it into teachable moments - it's ok, now what do we know going forward, what did we learn?

Page 15 "...let's provide them with experiences to grow by collaborating, creating a culture of positive failure, and allowing them the freedom to research and pursue what is important to them."  Ah, freedom - choice.  This can be a key piece to the puzzle.  If they choose what they research and/or how they share what they have learned, they will be much more invested in the process.  If they are allowed to fail along the way, they will remember their path and have pride in their results.  I'll tell my kids in my class every week - "It's ok to struggle.  I want you to struggle.  You need to try it on your own before you run to me for the answers."  I also love the focus on collaborating.  In my classroom, we focus on what we learned from others in our groups and how they could create some thoughts in our minds, they gave us a seed to grow from.  I feel they also need to learn to work with EVERYONE.  They most likely will have a future class, professor, student, co-worker, that they may not necessarily get along with or enjoy.  They need to know how to work positively with anyone and everyone in order for them to be successful and continue to grow and learn.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts - thanks for sharing!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Pure Genius MSD Book Study

Welcome to the MSD Pure Genius book study!

I will post questions, ideas, and/or discussion topics on here weekly that correspond to the chapter that we are on.  PGP points will be awarded based on the amount of questions that you answer along with the alloted time for reading - up to a maximum of 10 points.

I would love for this to be an area to openly discuss any questions you may have, any ideas that you want to try in your classroom, sharing of successes & failures on your path to experimenting with ideas in our book, and support of our fellow colleagues willing to take on this challenge!

We will follow this schedule to finish the book study BEFORE Spring Break - but the great thing about conducting this book study via Blogger is that you can adjust the pace on your own.  If you get behind, just answer that week's question(s) when you get caught up!  You can participate when it is convenient for you at any time of the day.
Chapter 1:  Jan 7 - Jan 13
Chapter 2:  Jan 14 - Jan 20
Chapter 3:  Jan 21 - Jan 27
Chapter 4:  Jan 28 - Feb 3
Chapter 5:  Feb 4 - Feb 10
Chapter 6:  Feb 11 - Feb 17
Chapter 7:  Feb 18 - Feb 24
Chapter 8:  Feb 25 - March 3
Chapter 9:  March 4 - March 10
Chapter 10:  March 11 - March 17
WRAP UP via Blogger and in-person or via Google Hangout:  Potentially set for Tues, March 18.

To get us started, please comment below with what grades and/or subjects you teach and what led you to choose to participate in this book study.